The most exciting news about this project is that we might actually sell a version of this game. Super stoked about that. A local company might want to buy a version of the game to be put into production with their products. I don't want to say to much about it, because we are still working on a deal, but I'm on my way to producing a real, ready for market game. SOOO stoked.
I've also been elected President of RITgraph, the student chapter of Siggraph at RIT. It's been keeping me busy. The club has been going well though, we regularly have about 30 people attend the meetings, and we are getting some attention from some of the faculty. We still need to get the paper work done to be offical, but we're getting there. I might not be a student Volunteer next year, because as president, I get to go to the conference for free (total score). But I might do it anyway, because hell, it was so much fun.
My game project is going slowly. I'm getting work done, but since I can only put in 8 hours of work a week, it's really hard to keep things moving. Plus I don't get that much direction from my boss, so I'm not always sure how well I'm doing. But I like the work, and I've found a volunteer to work on the project, one of my new recruits from Golf. He's a very talented level designer, so I'm hoping that I can get him in the editor at some point to create levels. so much goes into creating assets though, and I feel like trying to learn everything that goes into making them on my own stretches me thin sometimes. I'm learning so much about texturing.
My Senior thesis is slow going as well. All of my other projects seem to eat into my thesis time, which is becoming a problem. I've also stopped giving up my weekends for homework, and have spent more time partying this quarter. It's surprisingly useful. I've been able to make connections with other club presidents, get to know people from different societies on campus, and It helped me recruit probably the most talented sophmore onto my team. Great poach. It's also made my love life fun and interesting but I won't get to much into that here. Still no boyfriend, and I still really don't care all that much. I have my Gay boyfriend, and the rest of the guys I meet, just gravy.
I'll stop here, I miss you guys!